'Fit Anywhere All you need is a little bit of space and enough time to get your heart racing and muscles shaking! EQUIPMENT: N.A TIME: 30 minutes Notes: There are 2 groups of moves that are put together specifically to push your Cardiovascular fitness alongside overall muscular strength. Aim to go from 1 to the next with as little time as possible then have 45-60 seconds between the groups. Start with group A then B and repeat 3x over each (ABABAB). Try to keep to the reps and rest times but add in some extra recovery if required. Instructions: Perform the exercises in group A with as little time between as possible, recover for 45-60 seconds then do group B. (On each exercise that has only 8 reps the movements are slower taking time to \"squeeze\" for a couple of seconds) Repeat for 3x each keeping to the same rep ranges and recovery times. Exercises: Group A \"Dive bomber Press-up\" x10 tuck jump burpee x20 V up x20 \"Iron Chair\" x10 Jumping Jack x20 Group B Push up to side plank x10 Flutter kick x20 Scissors x20 \"Star\" plank x10 Alt arm/leg raises x20 PLEASE NOTE: The SR2 Fitness Workout of the Week is merely a suggested challenge. Any persons wishing to attempt the workout do so at their own risk.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , Weight loss , Lifestyle , gym , healthy , motivation , exercise , Health , body , muscle , fat , progress , fat loss , community , muscle gain , dedication , body image , Atmosphere , determination , Healthy Body , healthy mind , Workout of the Week , Sunderland , sr2 fitness , sr2fitness
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